Are you looking for individualized help and answers to personal questions about your situation?
The questions answered in the main Surviving Toxic Mold - Answers from the website Facebook group are answered by admin who have been fully trained to redirect group members to the website for the answers they have about toxic mold in general. The group has 12,000+ members and too many questions for one person to handle on a daily basis. The group does not offer answers to personal questions about your individual symptoms, lab tests or scenarios you or your family may be facing. However, Jennifer will be taking on the personal questions of mold sufferers who need extra help beyond basic mold education and what is already presented on the website. For this reason, she has a private consulting group that is affordable and reliable to help those with specific needs.
Jennifer has a private consulting [monthly paid membership]
Facebook Consulting Group
The private consulting group is available to help a handful of people be able to access Jennifer's "Direct" help for an affordable monthly fee.
1. Access to the group requires an affordable monthly "Consulting fee" of just $24.99
- If you do not have a Facebook account you can sign up for one here:
- If you do not have a Facebook account and do not plan on creating a facebook account you cannot become a client of Jennifer's. She only works through facebook.
- Memberships are paid through PayPal each month
- There are no refunds on any monthly membership paid regardless if a person asks a question or not. This is because as long as a member is paid they have access to read the advice given to others as well.
- You are not required to "ask" questions. You may be allowed to just read and observe if that is a better option for you.
- Most of the information in the private consulting group are NOT shared in the main group.
- Your questions and information WILL NOT be shared in the main Surviving Toxic Mold group but any member of the "private paid membership group" CAN see your questions, comments, lab tests or any other personal information you post like pictures.
- Monthly memberships can be managed by members and canceled at any time. Simply log in to your PayPal account and go to your active memberships and cancel.
- You also may re-establish your monthly membership at any time by visiting this page and re-filling out the form and submitting a new month's payment.
- If a payment is canceled for any reason (manually canceled or credit card expires) access to the private group will end.
- Rules are posted in the group. Jennifer reserves the right to cancel a membership at any time based on violation of rules or policies.
2. Once you have submitted your payment you'll be contacted by Jennifer in an email. She'll send you a private link to join the group so be on the lookout in the next few days for an email from her with your link to join the Facebook private group.
3. As soon as you join the group you will be allowed to submit a question. Keep in mind, Jennifer is not a doctor and will NOT be giving out any medical advice to private members in the group. Suggestions may be offered but they are not to be taken as medical advice.

- Any question you would normally ask in the main Facebook group.... plus
- What is mold or mycotoxin
- How to get rid of it
- How to clean up
- What to clean with
- Mold Prevention Techniques
- Specific Instructions on how to attain a pristine environment
- What to look for when trying to find a new clean environment (rentals or purchases)
- Mold Detox Diet Questions - Recipes
- Posting your mold testing lab results and getting an interpretation
- Posting mycotoxin tests and getting help on where possible sources of exposure can be based on the test results
- Detox questions - without direct medical advice
- Scientific Study questions
- Questions about symptoms (not to be confused with treatment or diagnosis)
- Questions about ways to heal the body from mold (not to be confused with diagnosing or treating)
Members upload pictures, tests, documents and anything they may have questions about that Jennifer can help answer.

About Jennifer
You are not alone. From 2009 to 2011 Jennifer and her kids were exposed to highly toxic mold and were in the very same situation that you are in today. You can read Jennifer's full story here: Jennifer spent the next 3 years through trial and error researching, attending other consulting sessions just like this one, spending thousands of dollars on some treatments that worked and some that didn't work. To date, Jennifer has lost over $300,000 in possessions, time off of work and more.
If you are anything like Jennifer, all of the web pages and word documents and .pdf's were SOOoooooooooooo overwhelming. So much information that she felt consumed and almost hopeless that her situation would ever change. It wasn't working until Jennifer decided that she would start researching "OTHER" mold victims and spend her money talking to "real people", getting "real advice" THAT WORKED!
Jennifer spent countless hours and hundreds of dollars on therapies, potions and doctors only to realize that the real answers were not found in magic pills or "certain doctors". She created a sustainable plan for recovery and still utilizes her own plan on a daily basis to prevent mold and deal with it if it ever happens again.
Before you join please agree:
- Jennifer is NOT a doctor (but refers people that might have specific medical questions to many holistic, naturopathic and functional practitioners that she has a list of) Jennifer may or may not be familiar with some lab tests but Jennifer is "NOT" authorized to interpret "any" medical test as a diagnosis or confirmation of any condition, illness or disease. Please consult with the practitioner that wrote the order for testing. Any information Jennifer shares about "ANY" lab test that you upload will only be for informational purposes only and not to be misconstrude as medical advice.
- Jennifer is NOT a lawyer (although she took Law in college and understands a lot of legal research)
- Jennifer is NOT a certified mold tester (But went through extensive mold testing in the home she lived in and also helps train mold testing professionals that join her website)
- Jennifer is NOT a certified mold remediator (But knows a fair amount about remediation procedures)
- Jennifer is NOT a dietician (but did work as a nutrition counselor from 1997 - 2002 for a fitness company. Jennifer will NOT give you medial advice about what foods you should personally eat or what you should eat on certain days. You'll get good advice about general rules that apply to helping you eat right while you are working with your practitioner on a healing path.)
- Jennifer is NOT a scientist, biologist or toxicologist (but has 3 scientists and toxicologist experts that she can call anytime and where she gets a lot of her references from)
What Jennifer IS:
- Jennifer has spent over 8,000 hours using her Market Research skills to find evidence, case studies, laboratory reports and journals on the effects of mold exposure and many of the other questions you might ask.
- A real mold exposure victim that has suffered from loss of property, finances and health.
- A person who will share factual-based information with you and not blow wind up your tent.
- An honest person who may tell you some very upsetting things....but only because she cares to tell you the truth about mold and mold illness.
- A fighter
- Non-judgemental
- A very well-informed person on the topic of mold and mold illness
- 10 years of extensive experience with toxic mold environment testing, knowledge on how to properly identify mold illness, how to detox, how to create mold=free environments.
- Jennifer cannot be friended or contacted personally on facebook, twitter, linkedin or any other social site for questions, coaching or answers. If you wish to purchase additional coaching sessions with her, Jennifer is perfectly fine with that and can fit you into her schedule. If Jennifer didn't care she would not be offering these sessions...she would have just gone back to work like all the others and not shared her info. Keep your questions and concerns inside of the private facebook group only.
- Jennifer WILL NOT give you any medical advice or try to treat you medically in any way via the group or anywhere else - she will only tell you what she may or may not do in that exact situation, share with you scientific proof to help you make your own decisions or refer you to someone who can certifiably assist you further.
- Jennifer WILL NOT give you any legal advice - she will only tell you what she's learned about lawyers, other mold victims experiences and a general idea of where to start if you are considering a lawsuit. There are not a ton of lawyers who protect victims so Jennifer does not have a long list of referrals for Lawyers.
- Jennifer WILL NOT give any financial advice (but she can tell you how much things may or may not cost)
- Jennifer WILL NOT guarantee that you will get well, get rid of mold forever or ever escape the tragedy of mold. ...........But she can share information and help guide you to:
- how you can prevent it from happening
- help you pinpoint where you are getting exposed
- how laws work about mold and landlords
- explain how mold and mycotoxin works
- how you can test your environment properly
- how you can determine if you need to stay in your home or move
- how to determine which items to keep or toss
- how to clean possessions that can be saved
- how to practice detox and avoidance methods that will keep you "fungus-free" for life
- what foods contain mold and how to avoid consuming them
- what medical tests might help you in your specific situation
- prevention techniques all moldies should know
- what certain symptoms could be a sign of and natural solutions that can help you overcome them
- what other toxins could be in your home making you sick
- referrals to mold testing professionals
- referrals to qualified Nutritionists & Medical Practitioners.